Health & Safety
Crime Prevention and Health & Safety Cameras
This notice is to keep the community informed about the operation and purpose of the security camera system.
This area is marked with signs displaying, "Surveillance cameras in use", & Smile You're on camera - property monitored by 24 hour camera surveillance".
The purpose of the cameras is to deter, or to provide means of immediate detection of, criminal offences committed on the school site or any activity that may pose a health & safety risk.
The initiative is intended to improve the safety and security at Weston School where vandalism has been found to be a problem.
The security project is under the control of the Weston School Board and the cameras are being monitored at Weston School. Only the Principal, Presiding Member & personnel authorised by the Principal, will have access to the monitors or recordings that are made. Cameras are activated by movement and are operational 24/7.
There will be annual evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the camera system.
Camera operation is carried out in accordance with the Privacy Commissioner: 'Privacy and CCTV: A guide to the Privacy Act for businesses, agencies and organisations' guidelines'.
Security Camera Procedure

If you have any questions about the Weston School security cameras please contact the School Principal.