
Weston School operates an Enrolment Zone. 

The area that encompasses our enrolments is available below. 

Currently we are taking out of zone enrolments for Terms 1 & 2 2024, at all levels of our school (Yrs 1-8). Registration/interest in out of zone enrolments should be into us by 15th September through our enrolment process.  If a ballot is required this will be held on 18th September. It is likely that 30 places are available.

To register your interest (out of zone) or to enrol your child/ren at Weston School please complete the information/enrolment at this link.

For any specific questions re enrolment, please either direct these to the school Executive Officer Joy McGee: office@weston.school.nz or Principal Deidre Senior principal@weston.school.nz 
